(EBOOK) The Side Nobody Saw - Simone Alves

R$ 25,00
Autor: Simone Alves
ISBN: 978-65-5239-079-0
páginas: 78
idioma: Português

The side Nobody Saw recounts various life experiences (including those of the author, who is a doctor) about the many different ways in which a lack of forgiveness can directly or indirectly influence people's lives, in a variety of ways (physical, psychological and spiritual) and also portrays very peculiar aspects that, perhaps, many people have not yet properly evaluated in terms of “life not taking its course”.
Why is that? A feeling of life being stuck... What could be going on? Come and see a little of this true story about the importance of forgiveness in physical, psychological and spiritual terms. Come and discover how the author managed to identify the roots of the most varied problems in question and how God gifted her with the necessary understanding to deal with such delicate and peculiar issues in various aspects of physical, psychological and spiritual health after the release of forgiveness or lack of it.
After all, every true story has a side that nobody saw!
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