(EBOOK) Alice's Probiotic Power: A Children's Book - Gabriel Palma
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Autor: Gabriel Palma
ISBN: 978-989-37-6696-5
páginas: 24
idioma: Inglês
Gabriel Palma is a master of social science in Economics and Innovation
Management from the Faculty of Economics of Porto University. He also gained the honorary merit of academic excellence and student of the year in Business Administration, with more than 10+ years of working experience in finance, banking, business management and education. With dozens of academic papers published, he has a thorough knowledge of entrepreneurship, innovation and business models. He is the founder of the Virum Literis initiative, which is the education leg of the company Bem Estar. The Bem Estar started known as Bem Estar com a Nani — a probiotic beverages and yoghurt company.
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