(EBOOK) The English Sentence Builder & Grammar Cubes Puzzle Book
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Autor: Kayla Benzakour Neris
ISBN: 978-989-37-6171-7
páginas: 280
idioma: Inglês
If you are an intermediate or advanced learner, the Grammar Cubes Puzzle book offers you:
• Clear grammar explanations and rules.
• 10 cubes to solve for each Grammar Learning Objective.
• Empty cube boards to make up new ones for each grammar learning objective.
• Sentences to build and comprehend.
• Vocabulary enrichment opportunities.
• Answer sheet at the end of the book.
• If you are an English teacher, then this book offers you the opportunity to incorporate the grammar cubes to curriculum objectives to assess students´learning.
• Develop cooperative group work.
• Better your sentence building, writing and public speaking skills.
• A lot of illustrations.
• Prazo para postagem:
• Código do produto: 967FD7
• Quantidade mínima: 1
• Frete: grátis